Us deixem un link de la sussex academic amb més informació:

Raanan Rein and Joan Maria Thomàs
1. 1936: The Eruption of Revolutionary Antifascism in Spain
Michael Seidman
Michael Seidman
2. The Pioneers of International Defense of the Republic: The Athletes of Barcelona’s Popular Olympiad
Raanan Rein
Raanan Rein
3. The Political Evolution of the Nationalist Zone in 1936: The Construction of the Francoist State
Joan Maria Thomàs
Joan Maria Thomàs
4. Spanish Fascists and Nazi Germany, 1931-1940: From Fascination to Intervention
Xosé M. Núñez Seixas
Xosé M. Núñez Seixas
5. Women and the Spanish Civil War: The Radical Months
Inbal Ofer
Inbal Ofer
6. Taking sides: Salazar’s Estado Novo, the Nationalist uprising and the Spanish Civil War
Pedro Aires Oliveira
Pedro Aires Oliveira
7. Italy 1936: From Consensus to First Doubts about the Regime
Luciano Casali
Luciano Casali
8. From Marginalization to Mobilization: The Soviet Union and the Spanish Republic
Daniel Kowalsky
Daniel Kowalsky
9. An Engagé in 1936 Spain: Commitment and its Discontents in Rafael Alberti’s Philo-Sovietism
Silvina Schammah Gesser and Alexandra Cheveleva Dergacheva
Silvina Schammah Gesser and Alexandra Cheveleva Dergacheva
10. Solidarity and Non-intervention: France and the Spanish Civil War
David A. Messenger
David A. Messenger
11. Chimerical Thoughts? Winston Churchill and Spain
Emilio Sáenz-Francés San Baldomero
Emilio Sáenz-Francés San Baldomero
12. The Impact of the Spanish Civil War on Imperial Japan, 1936-1940
Haruo Tohmatsu
Haruo Tohmatsu
13. Argentina’s Diplomatic and Naval Asylum Policy in the Spanish Civil War
Leonardo Senkman
Leonardo Senkman
14. Spanish Destiny: Renzo Giua and Giustizia e Libertà
Manuela Consonni
Manuela Consonni
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